Friday, March 31, 2017

The EEG Pro Choice Argument (Brain Birth Theory)

One argument on the pro choice side of abortion has been the EEG argument or more properly know as the Brain Birth Theory. The theory is that for something to be determined a living human person, he or she must have a functional brain.  In order to prove that the brain is actually functioning, you need electrical activity that can be detected by an EEG.
The EEG argument attributes person hood to viability, thought, and self awareness. The people I have heard this argument from claim that these things differentiate the human person from other animals.
To differentiate other animals from humans by thought and self awareness is, in my opinion, a very metaphysical  and untrustworthy concept.
In this argument there seems to be a difference between being alive and having a life; being a human being and being a human person. Usually,when I argue that a fetus or embryo is a human person just at a very early stage, they will say something like " a fetus is to a person what fabric is to a dress." This is a very flawed comparison. A sperm is to a person what the fabric is to a dress.
On the idea that it has to be self aware or conscience is just silly because there is also people in coma's that aren't conscience and medical professionals would tell you that they are one-hundred percent alive, but not conscience.
The idea that brain birth is a criteria for life is a complicated one because brain birth is so gradual. It isn't instant and is very complicated so it can be difficult to pin point exactly when brain birth happens. If you are saying that the brain is born due to certain neurological data, that would mean brain birth occurred 24-28 weeks. The cortex of the brain that EEG monitors controls the respiratory system and heart function. The heart starts to beat at six weeks. Therefore, it is also sometime argued that brain birth occurs around that time.
 However,the definition of brain birth is based on the the concept of brain death.But there is a key difference between brain birth and brain death; the reversibility. To pronounce someone dead,the question isn't is the brain dead, are the lungs working, and/or the heart beating; the question is will the brain be functioning, will the lungs be working, and/or will the heart start beating. In the case of a fetus, embryo,or zygote we know that it will. I guess you could say that the unborn are pronounced alive.
Also, EEG waves are not even a criteria for life. In fact the only time it is used to  determine life is when the the respiratory and heart activity are not reliable. It would be just plain impractical to use an EEG on fetuses, because if we were to use the EEG to determine life of a fetus we would need to use it to determine a miscarriage.
Lastly but more importantly, it is stated in the principal of biogenesis that a living organism cannot reproduce anything that is not a living organism. Therefore two living human persons must make another living human person.


Fetal development: The 1st trimester - Mayo Clinic

Friday, March 24, 2017

Why did Planned Parenthood turn down federal funding for "all the other healthcare" they provide if abortion is only 3% of what they do?

Why turn down federal funding for "all the other healthcare" they provide if abortion is only 3% of what they do? 

     ANSWER: Abortion is the biggest source of income they have. Last year, they did 327,653 abortions. That's 897 a day. Doing the math, by the time you finish reading this, 2 babies have been dismembered and vacuumed out somewhere in the US by planned parenthood. 
     They make about 222.9 million dollars a year. Since it costs about a MINIMUM 500 dollars (funded by state or out of pocket) for an abortion procedure, doing the math, they make about 163.8 million dollars from abortions. That means planned parenthood makes ≈ 73% of all their money from abortions. 
     So while they may manipulate their numbers and place pap scans or contraceptives with the same weight as abortion services in order to get their misleading 3% number, simple economics knowledge knows that planned parenthood is way more dependant on killing children then they may tell you. These numbers don't even take into account the money they make from selling the organs for research, which they claim they don't do. 

Let's look at some more numbers. 

Planned Parenthood has officially released the forms for their 100th year in business. With this milestone, they've started the hash tag #100YearsStrong. Since they love numbers so much I thought I would give you all some of my own. Going into their 101st year "strong", without their Abortion services:

40,000 people would be turning 40.

98,638 people would be turning 30.

153,367 would be turning 20 after hopefully their first year of college. 

289,750 children would be turning 10. A lot of them starting the last year of elementary school in the fall. 

333,964 children would be turning 5. Many of them entering kindergarten in the fall. 

Having a brother that's turning 10 and another that's turning 5, these numbers are so painful to look at for me. 

197,070 people would be turning 17 with me. Most of us to enter our senior year of high school. 

Just a few numbers to get people thinking. I for one am extremely grateful for the opportunity my mother gave me just by deciding I was special enough to keep. Sadly, Planned Parenthood robs many children of the same right. 

The fact that they're so reliant on wasting so many human lives is exactly why they are an abortion clinic. Not a Healthcare center. A Healthcare center focuses on saving lives, not ending them. If you wanna be sick then be sick. But DO NOT take the cowardly way out by lying to the public about what it is you actually do.